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Frequently Asked Questions

What is MyMedLeads?

MyMedLeads is a tool that integrates with your website and directory sites to manage all of your leads from one place. With this tool you can keep track of your staff′s response time to call leads, real time ROI for all offline and online marketing efforts, track each staff members conversion rate, eliminate ″no shows″ and create automated email campaigns to convert prospects into new patients.

Why is response time to a prospect so important?

Studies show that calling an inquiry in 7 to 10 minutes is 72% more effective than waiting 30 minutes to convert a lead into a patient. Our system tracks the response time of every lead and there is always a direct correlation between speed and conversion rates.

What types of results are doctors experiencing with MML?

Fortunately for us, most practices are in such bad shape when it comes to lead management that when practices start using some of the most basic features we have to offer, the experience a 200% to 300% increase in conversion rates. Studies show that only 1 in 9 inquiries into your practice actually schedule a consultation. Our doctors do much better than that.

Is the MML training labor intensive or will my staff be able to ramp up quickly?

The tool is very easy to learn. When the account is ready, we schedule a 30 minute training session with your staff to not only train them on how to use the product but we also explain to them the benefits of using the tool and how it will simplify their work in the long run. We then set up a second and final session about 3 weeks later once they have used the software to teach them about some more advanced features. We also have a series of about 15 two-minute videos that they can watch at any time.

How will my leads get into the tool?

There are two ways: Internet leads show up automatically. Whether they came from your site or directory sites, the lead will show up with a time stamp and a lead source so that you can track the marketing source. Offline leads can be entered manually. Most practices do not have a system to capture each caller the way MyMedLeads offer. If a caller doesn′t schedule a consultation, MyMedLeads begins a nurturing cycle by sending marketing material to get them to schedule a consultation.

How many users can I have?

You can have 1 doctor, multiple users and locations for our basic plan. We do have enterprise plans for larger practices.

Is MML useful to all areas of medicine?

Yes, anyone can use this. The bottom line is that research shows that only 1 out of 9 inquiries schedule a consultation right away. Our tool allows you to nurture those leads to capture more business.

Will I be able to measure my advertising investments with MML?

Yes, anyone can use this. The bottom line is that research shows that only 1 out of 9 inquiries schedule a consultation right away. Our tool allows you to nurture those leads to capture more business.

Can MML handle my email marketing campaign?

Yes, we have two types of email campaigns. The first is an automated email campaign that tries to convert your prospects into patients. The second is a monthly newsletter that can go out periodically. We even have providers that can manage newsletters for you.

When will I expect to see my return from MML?

Typically in the first 30 days. The success of the tool depends on the adoption of your the medical practice. We have seen a high success rate when a physician is involved in the process and the staff learn and use the tool. This will have a drastic difference in your bottom line.

Will I be able to use MML for my current or past patients?

Yes, you can import past patients into the software to take advantage of our features.

Does MML provide us with new prospects?

MyMedLeads is not a lead generation website but we do work with multiple sources for lead generation. If you feel that you would like to get more leads, let us know and we will point you to some of the leading referral sites.