Engage More Potential Patients Online
According to a Pew Internet study, in the past year 72% of U.S. Internet users have gone online to search for health-related information. Of this group, 77% start their research with Google, Bing or another search engine, signifying that a solid SEO strategy for your practice website is more important than ever.
However, optimizing your medical website to show up in search results is only half of the equation. What actions a user takes once they reach your site has a lot to do with how well your website is optimized for conversion. While there is no exact formula for the perfect landing page, there are some common elements that have been shown to increase your odds of converting a website visitor to a patient.
Below is a useful template to help you get started created landing pages that convert more visitors to patients.
9 Elements of a Successful Landing Page
- The primary headline is typically the first thing a visitor looks at when they land on your page. A good headline will entice the user to read on, while a bland headline may not resonate with why they clicked on your link in the first place, and result in them hitting the back button before giving the rest of your content a chance.
- The sub-headline is your next opportunity to hold the visitor’s attention. While the primary headline is important, it is often limited in its length and scope. The sub-headline gives you a chance to expand on the main headline and provide further details as to why the visitor did in fact come to the right place.
- Good landing page copy is visually appealing in its structure and tightly written. Visitors should be able to intake the information they came for quickly and easily. Break long-winded paragraphs up into manageable chunks and bulleted lists that are easy to scan. The opening text, much like your sub-headline, should provide further incentive for the visitor to stick around.
- A strong call to action is another crucial element, as it directs the visitor on what to do next (i.e. converts the user on your business goals). Whether that be scheduling a consult, downloading an eBook or signing up for your newsletter, the text should be compelling and attention grabbing. Keep it concise, ensure that it is action-oriented and creates a sense of urgency.
- Buttons should be large and instantly recognized as clickable. The color should be something that stands out and should be placed high on the page so that the user doesn’t have to scroll down to find it.
- Use relevant video and images that resonate with your copy. The rich sights and sounds of video and audio can often do what text alone cannot. Video testimonials from other patients are particularly effective, as are videos that feature the doctor speaking directly to the visitor. The use of video content promotes a sense of credibility and trust, and has been shown to have a positive impact on conversion rates.
- In addition to video testimonials, including text-based testimonials and other trust indicators increases your credibility and the likelihood that a visitor will contact your practice.
- Don’t overwhelm visitors with too many links. Having too many links on a landing page can be distracting and have a negative impact on the conversion rate for that particular page. An abundance of links may make sense on your homepage or another top-level page, but for landing pages it is best to keep things simple and focused.
- Finally, keep it above the fold. Above the fold refers to the area on a webpage the visitor immediately sees without having to scroll. The most important elements of your landing page should reside here (contact forms, call-to-actions, videos, etc…) Never place a call-to-action in a place where the visitor has to search for it.